Get the Facts About Fraxel Laser Resurfacing
Fraxel laser resurfacing is a treatment unknown to many, but increasing in its popularity. The results experienced from this procedure are significant, as it has improved the appearance of the skin for many people. Some opt for this to repair acne scars, yet it is just as effective for promoting younger looking skin, treating fine lines and wrinkles as well as reversing the negative effects of pollution, smoking and sun exposure to our skin. Fraxel laser resurfacing is being offered at Nitai Medical and Cosmetic Centre by our doctor of dermatology, Dr.Singh.
How Fraxel Laser Resurfacing Works
By sending microscopic laser columns into the dermis, which is the deeper skin located below the epidermis (the outer layer of skin), Fraxel laser treatment focuses on making tiny wounds in the skin that force the natural healing process. The healthy tissue that repairs the skin brings forward the renewed epidermis that equates to a fresher, tighter and more youthful appearance. The complexion is smoother through this process, and the results can be astounding for patients that have long lived with scars from acne or other trauma to the skin.
This type of treatment in some patients causes a measure of discomfort. Our specialists at Nitai Medical and Cosmetic Centre will make every effort to make you as comfortable as possible during all of our treatments. If local topical anaesthetic is required, this will be applied to ensure a more pain free experience.
If you are considering fraxel laser resurfacing, or any of our skin renewing treatments offered at Nitai Medical and Cosmetic Centre, contact us today. We will arrange a no obligation consultation with you where we can discuss your unique problem areas and what methods of treatment would be most effective for improving your skin.
Your beautiful skin awaits, contact us today!