Fraxel Dual Laser is a Medical Grade laser that works to reduce the aging effects of our skin due to genetics or our environment such as sun exposure, smoking or pollution. Fraxel Dual Laser therapy can be used for some of the following: acne scar treatments, fine line treatment, laser skin rejuvenation, melasma treatment, skin tightening and wrinkle treatments.
This video shows how Fraxel Dual Laser works and gives real customer feedback
Fraxel treatment affects two layers of the skin: the first is the epidermis or the outer layer of skin. The second is the dermis, containing a network of main structural proteins and elastic, fibrous glycoprotein of the various connective tissues, which are proteins that keep your skin youthful and tight. But as you age and get more sun exposure, those proteins break down faster than your body can rebuild them. As a result, your skin may start to show signs of aging.
Fraxel delivers microscopic laser columns deep into the dermis to create tiny wounds, which triggers your body’s natural healing process. The Fraxel laser only targets a fraction of the skin at a time allowing your body to heal the skin much faster. This natural healing process allows your body to remodel your main structural proteins and elastic, fibrous glycoprotein of the various connective tissues, which results in tighter, fresher and more youthful looking skin.
The Fraxel laser penetrates the dermis, which stimulates your body’s natural healing response. The healthy tissue begins to invade the laser treated area facilitating fast healing. As the healthy tissue continues to grow and multiply, the damaged tissue moves up towards the epidermis and then is removed from your skin altogether.
This video shows Fraxel Dual Laser being used at Nitai Medical & Cosmetic Centre to treat a patient for acne scarring. The video has been shortened for display purposes only. Multiple treatment passes will be used to achieve optimum results. Local Topical anaesthetic is used for patient comfort and pain management.
During the Fraxel laser treatment the laser is delivered with a handpiece and tip, which moves continuously over your skin. Each time the tip moves over your skin, thousands of those microscopic laser columns are created. Depending on the aggressiveness of your treatment, you may feel a little discomfort. We will apply an anesthetic ointment to your skin prior to the treatment to reduce discomfort and offer medication if we think it’s needed.
At Nitai Medical & Cosmetic Centre, we are proud to bring you Fraxel Dual laser – state of the art equipment for treatment of acne scars, surgical scars,many forms of skin pigmentation scars, fine lines and wrinkle treatments.
Case Study 1
The above case study involved a teenager with severe acne and acne scarring. In this case acne was treated with microdermabrasion and carefully selected skincare products to suit the patient’s skin type. Once acne was controlled, acne scarring was treated with Fraxel laser. This young lady received 3 Fraxel treatments, each about a month apart. The ‘After’ photo above was taken 3 months after her final treatment. Significant reduction in acne scarring resulted in this case.
Case Study 2