Fraxel Laser Treatment: Fraxel Scar Removal

 A Combination of Acne Treatments Bring You Clear Skin

If you suffer from acne there are many advanced treatments that can treat acne, suppress breakouts and diminish the appearance of scars. There are several options that a cosmetic medical clinic can recommend based on the severity of your condition.

Oral and Topical Treatments

A combination of oral antibiotics and topical treatments will help not only clear up your skin but will also help combat breakouts. Typical lotions and creams used to treat acne contain various acids as well as vitamin A. Oral treatments can include some types of oral contraceptives or antibiotics.

Thorough Pour Cleanings

A thorough cleaning of the pores helps to remove clogs, which can aggravate your acne. Isolaz therapy uses a gentle vacuum in combination with a broadband light that cleans pores as well as kills acne-causing bacteria. Results can be visible as soon as 48 hours.

Deep Exfoliation

There are many treatments that offer a deeper exfoliation to expose clear skin below acne. From fruit peels to microdermabrasion, these treatments are very effective at removing blackheads and whiteheads as well as the debris and dead skin cells that contribute to clogged pores. These treatments can also help firm skin and shrink pores for an overall smoother complexion.

Scarring Treatments

Fraxel laser treatment is very effective in removing scarring due to acne. It penetrates the first two layers of your skin and causes pain free tiny pinpoint damage to your skin. This actually creates a need for the skin to repair itself revealing fresh, scar free skin as it heals.

Severe Acne

If you suffer from severe acne you may fear there is nothing to help give you clear skin. However Photodynamic Therapy works in combination with aminoleulenic acid, which is only absorbed by your acne allowing the clear skin below to be revealed.

Using a combination of treatments can give you the clear complexion you have always wanted.