About Acne

Acne is a disfiguring medical condition. Acne is also commonly referred as pimples. To get rid of acne, it is important to be treated by a qualified medical practitioner. It is important to get rid of pimples as soon as possible to prevent scarring. Acne presents with varying degrees of severity and across a wide spectrum of age groups. Acne is a very important condition to treat early as it has a major psychological impact on the sufferer. It often requires  multipronged approach to achieve optimum results.

What causes acne?

Acne is a disease of the pilosebaceous (oil) gland in the skin. It is a triad of excessive oil production often due to hormonal influences, hyperkeratotic skin and presence of bacteria (proprionebacterium acnes). The combination of these three factors result in formation of comedones – blackheads, whiteheads, pustules, papules and sometimes cysts. Certain skin care products and makeup can aggravate acne.

In some individuals this can leave scars in the skin. Presence of scars calls for prompt treatment. In Olive and dark skinned individuals acne can leave dark marks. This is called Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH).

How to get rid of acne?

At Nitai Medical & Cosmetic Centre we have medical grade skin care products, various types of medical equipment (used according to grade of acne) and non-congesting mineral makeup. Oral and topical antibiotics can be presbribed for acne. Acne is also responsive to topical and oral retinoids.

The treatment is individualised after consultation with our doctor depending on the severity of the acne and presence of scarring.

Photographs are also taken during the course of the treatment for monitoring.

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Common treatment methods include:

Isolaz Acne Therapy

Isolaz is the latest advancement in Acne therapy. Using a vacuum and broadband light system, results are generally visible within 48 hours. The treatment method cleans the pores of the problematic areas of the skin and kills the bacteria. Click here for more information about this treatment method.

Many people suffer from acne condition that is persistent and severe. This , often, can have a major effect on a person’s morale. Isolaz Acne Therapy is an effective method for treating persistent and severe acne conditions.

The following is one of many similar examples our doctor at Nitai Medical & Cosmetic Centre has treated using Isolaz.

Case Study 1

This young female patient suffered from severe acne. She was prescribed a course of 4 Isolaz Acne Therapy treatments and carefully selected skincare products. Her acne was not present anymore after the fourth treatment. In the following photographs, a significant reduction in acne was noticed even 5 months after the last Isolaz treatment. The remaining scars from acne can be treated using Fraxel Laser.

Acne Treatment - Isolaz Acne Therapy Case One

Acne Treatment - Isolaz Acne Therapy Case Two

Acne Treatment - Isolaz Acne Therapy Case Three

For a more detailed description of Isolaz Acne Therapy and Case Studies please Click Here

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Appropriate Skincare Product

Appropriate Skin Care products are very very important in acne treatment. Pores blocked with bacteria, oil, debris, dead skin cells must be cleaned twice daily. The skin has to be nutured by appropriate products to reduce and prevent acne production. At Nitai Medical & Cosmetic Centre, we have available glycolic acid, lactic acid and salicylic acid based products. Retinoid (vitamin A derivatives) are also important.

Treatment is prescribed after examination of your skin by the doctor.

Mineral Makeup

It is very important to use high quality mineral makeup. At Nitai Medical & Cosmetic Centre, we have YoungBlood Mineral Makeup which is of very high quality. It includes a wide range of colours and all products from foundation blush, eye shadow etc are available to cater for all skin types and needs.


Microdermabrasion is a mechanical form of gently removing debris & dead skin cells to unclog the pores. This therefore very effectively reduces acne formation. It has various other benefits such as skin tightening, reduced blackhead & pore size and stimulation of the production of main structural proteins of the various connective tissues .

Skin Peels

Skin Peels are derived from fruit acids are available to effectively reduce acne.

Medical Treatment

Antibiotics & Oral contraceptive pills may be used as an adjunct to the above treatments to enhance the effects.

Photodynamic Therapy

Photodynamic Therapy, (PDT), Uses ALA (aminoleulenic acid) which gets absorbed by the acne affected skin, leaving the normal skin intact. A light source is used to activate the ALA which produces free radicals that destroy the abnormal cells. This is a very effective treatment for severe acne with pleasing results.

To receive more specific advice and costs , we highly recommend making an appointment with our experienced doctor. Feedback from our patients suggests this really helps them in making the right decision about the potential treatment.

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