Varicose Veins Treatment Melbourne Aftercare: Getting Back to Life in Melbourne
Whether you live in Melbourne, Sydney, or the other side of the world, the positive results of the treatment, or stripping, of varicose veins is often neither immediate nor tangible. As with most medical procedures, you may feel discomfort, or even pain, shortly after the procedure, and extending into the next several days. That, coupled with the fact that you are required to keep the treated area wrapped for a period of time, prohibiting you from seeing the results, might dissuade you from seeking treatment for your varicose veins at all. However, by following a few simple guidelines, you can assist in expediting the healing of the affected area, in which case you can experience the positive results more quickly.
Wrap It Up
Follow your doctor’s instructions closely related to how long you should keep the affected area wrapped. The area subjected to the varicose veins treatment will be aided because, when wrapped, bleeding and swelling are controlled.
Keep Moving
After your varicose veins treatment in Melbourne, your doctor may tell you to get up and out, even for short periods of time. You’re not going to like this instruction, but, as your doctor will tell you, it is imperative to the healing process. Take your dog for a short walk around your Melbourne neighbourhood, pick up a snack, or pick up the mail. Just go!
Ease the Pain
You may not be inclined to accept a narcotic painkiller, and your doctor may not feel it’s the best option for you either. If that is the case, an over-the-counter pain reliever should do the trick. Be sure to select the kind that is right for you. Typical choices include Motrin and Tylenol. Used in conjunction with a cool gel pack, these medications will go far in abating pain and discomfort.
The thought of varicose veins treatment can be daunting, but the benefits can be lifelong. By following your doctor’s instructions very closely and implementing these guidelines, you will soon be ready to take on the world again. Or, at least Melbourne!