Sclerotherapy, Determining If It Is Right For You
Many people choose to lead a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular activity. By avoiding obesity and prolonged standing you might be on track for reducing the possibility of visible leg veins. Unfortunately, these are not the only causes for this problem. For women, many develop spider veins or varicose veins during pregnancy, particularly if you been pregnant more than once. Genetic predisposition to this problem is also a factor, as can be bone fractures, soft tissue damage and taking oral contraceptives. Some of these are unavoidable, and the resulting abnormality of visible leg veins result. Sclerotherapy is one method used to reduce the discomfort and visibility of leg veins. This type of treatment is offered by our certified Sclerotherapist, Dr.Singh at the Nitai Medical and Cosmetic Centre.
Getting the Facts About Sclerotherapy
If you are unsure if sclerotherapy is right for you, you need to understand more about the process and meet with a professional that can determine if it would be effective for your situation. By arranging a consultation with us at Nitai Medical and Cosmetic Centre we will answer your questions about Sclerotherapy and explain the entire process of treatment. You will be examined to see whether the types of veins you have as problem areas could be improved through this form treatment. We will also determine the number of sessions that might be required to see the results you desire, and discuss whether sclerotherapy treatment fits within your budget.
The discomfort associated with visible leg veins will continue until you take action to make a change for the better. If you would like to stop the itching, burning or throbbing feeling associated with varicose veins, contact us today to discuss sclerotherapy treatment.
Contacting Nitai Medical and Cosmetic Centre is the first step towards determining whether sclerotherapy treatment is right for you.