What Conditions are Treated with the Iridex Varilite Laser?
Vascular Lesions
Facial Telangiectasia:
Surface veins caused by dilation of capillary vessels or arterioles
Cherry Angiomas:
Slightly raised, red lesions
Spider Angiomas:
Slightly raised, red spider-like lesions
Scar Nevascularisation:
Redness that may appear in or around a scar
Red facial lesions around the nose and cheeks causing a sunburn look
Spider Veins:
Small, superficial purple or red veins stretching like a web under the skin, often appearing on legs
Pigmented Lesions
Flat, brown spots on the skin: present on skin with frequent sun exposure
Freckles :
Brown spots on the skin; common on people with fair skin
Dermatosis Papulosis Nigra:
Small black raised lesions seen primarly on people of Asian or African descent.
Cutaneous Lesions
Slightly elevated pigmented lesions often found on the back and hands.
Skin coloured growths caused by a viral infection in the top layer of the skin.
If you require assistance with your skin condition, we can help.
Every patient presenting with a skin condition is reviewed by a doctor and an appropriate treatment and ongoing skin care plan is developed to suit your specific case.
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