One of the most obvious signs of effects of ageing can be seen in the neck area. There is a strong demand for treatments that provide neck rejuvenation. At Nitai Medical & Cosmetic Centre, our doctor offers a number of treatment options for Neck Rejuvenation.
Fraxel Laser for Neck Rejuvenation
Fraxel Laser is commonly used to achieve neck rejuvenation. At Nitai, we use the Fraxel Dual Laser system which has the 1927 Nm wavelength that is suitable for wrinkle treatment. The columns of light produced by the Fraxel laser are very targeted in treating the skin and triggering the the Body’s wound healing process. This allows new cells to form and production of main structural proteins of the various connective tissues to increase. Over time, improved skin texture and firmness develops.
Platelet Rich Plasma for Neck Rejuvenation
Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP uses the concentration of platelets from one’s own blood to reinvigorate main structural proteins and elastic, fibrous glycoprotein of the various connective tissues in the injected area. The procedure involves centrifuging one’s blood sample and extracting the platelet rich blood plasma which is injected into the neck by the doctor. Over the next few weeks and months the effects of the PRP process will show in improved skin text and tone. Often a series of 3 to 4 treatments may be required at the start with regular maintenance treatments at 6-12 monthly intervals.
The fraxel laser and platelet rich plasma treatments can be used separately or in combination to achieve neck rejuvenation.
To receive more specific advice and costs , we highly recommend making an appointment with our experienced doctor. Feedback from our patients suggests this really helps them in making the right decision about the potential treatment.
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