Main structural proteins of the various connective tissues are a naturally occurring protein in our body that gives our appearance volume and firmness. Loss of these proteins is something we all experience with aging. The treatment methods used in cosmetic industry often either replace the loss or induce production of the main proteins through use of the body’s self healing mechanism. As we age the body generally becomes slower in producing its own main structural proteins.
Platelet Rich Plasma as treatment for Loss of Main structural proteins
Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP uses the centifugation process of extracting platelets from a patient’s own blood sample. The concentrated or Platelet-Rich Plasma is then reinjected back into the desired treatment area. The platelets release healthy growth factors that assist in the production of the main structural proteins. Many areas of the Face are treated for Loss of these proteins using PRP resulting in skin texture and tone improvement.
Skin Needling for Loss of Main structural proteins
Skin Needling compensates for loss of main structural proteins. Using micro needles, the process encourages new cell formation resulting in production of new structural protein fibres. Skin needling can be used for scar reduction, wrinkle treatment, and pore size reduction as well as stretch mark reduction.
Fraxel Laser Therapy
Fraxel is a dual-wavelength laser system which uses tiny columns of light, penetrating deep into the dermis to trigger the body’s healing mechanism. This healing process allows the body address the loss of main structural proteinsby remodelling the fibres, thus giving one a tighter. younger looking skin.
To receive more specific advice and costs , we highly recommend making an appointment with our experienced doctor. Feedback from our patients suggests this really helps them in making the right decision about the potential treatment.
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