Lip Wrinkles Melbourne

The Top 3 Major Causes of Lip Wrinkles, Melbourne

As you go about your busy lives, you are doing things that you may not even be aware will have an impact on your appearance. For example, drinking from a straw can lead to lip wrinkles. Melbourne, did you know that? It’s the repetitive action of using your facial muscles in the same way time after time that does it. Read on for a few more things to keep in mind when you’re trying to combat this problem.


Well, here’s one more reason to stop smoking: Lip wrinkles. Melbourne, smoking is hard on your entire body, including your skin. It damages main structural proteins and elastic, fibrous glycoprotein of the various connective tissues, which are critical to the structure and support of your skin. Additionally, like with any repetitive action, the pursuing of your lips when you puff creates lines around your mouth. In short, quit smoking!


This one is obvious, but it needs to be included because it’s a primary contributor to face and lip wrinkles, Melbourne. Like smoking, exposure to UVA and UVB rays destroys main structural proteins of the various connective tissues. So, before you go out into the sun, apply sun block to the exposed areas of your body, including your face. And do it every time.

Something else to consider is that when you regularly wear lipstick, you are training your skin to stop producing fluids in the skin around your mouth. Why? The wax and petroleum contained in lipstick replaces the skin’s natural moisturizer. Eventually, the skin is reprogrammed to accept the artificial production of moisturizers as its replacement.


Well, not sleeping per se, but the position in which you sleep can add to the acceleration of lip wrinkles. Melbourne, if you sleep on your side or your stomach, you’ll want to consider retraining yourself to sleep on your back. It sounds harmless, but people who regularly sleep on their sides or stomachs are prone to early development of lip wrinkles because your face ends up pressed against your pillow. Those lines you see in the morning when you first wake up? Eventually, they won’t disappear as the morning progresses, so try to sleep on your back.

We all want to slow down the ageing process, especially with regards to our faces. By following a few quick tips, you can do just that!