What is Melasma?
Large brown-grey patches usually found on the face or neck. It is usually located on the upper lip, cheeks, forehead. It is more commonly seen in people with Olive or dark skin complexion. It can be reduced with various treatment modalities listed below:
What causes Melasma?
Oral contraceptive pills and other medications, pregnancy or normal circulatory Oestrogen.
How do we treat Melasma?
Daily sun protection is very important. This prevents any further darkening of the area.
Lightening Agents
Lightening Agents available only on prescription can help to reduce further production of melanin. Revlite Laser
Revlite Laser is a specialised laser machine that shatters pigment in the abnormal skin. Melasma can be treated effectively with weekly to fortnightly treatments with no downtime. Note: IPL should never be used to treat Melasma as it can potentially make the Melasma worse.
Light Skin Peels
Light Skin Peels are a useful adjunct to gradually improve Melasma.
If you require assistance with your skin condition, we can help.
Every patient presenting with a skin condition is reviewed by a doctor and an appropriate treatment and ongoing skin care plan is developed to suit your specific case.
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