Skin Pigmentation

As we get older we all suffer from varying degrees of pigmentation.

Intuitively we find faces with even skin tone, pimples and pigmentation aesthetically pleasing.

Thanks to modern technology we are able to achieve this at Nitai Medical & Cosmetic Centre. We have various medical grade lasers, chemical peels and lightening agents to treat different types of pigmentation and Skin Treatment.

What causes Pigmentation?

Excessive sunlight exposure, congenital conditions, hormonal effects with some medications such as oral contraceptive pill, pregnancy, some medical conditions and trauma.

What is Skin Pigmentation?

Pigmentation can be epidermal (Superficial) , Dermal (Deep) or Mixed (Superficial & Deep). We can determine the type of Pigmentation at Nitai Medical & Cosmetic Centre using a Woods lamp.

There is a deposition of abnormal melanin. It is very important to get your condition checked by a medical doctor to confirm the diagnosis and exclude any underlying cancer.

How do we treat Skin Pigmentation?

This will depend on the classification of the condition:


Sunscreens are of paramount importance as this prevents pigmentation getting worse with further exposure to UV radiation.

Lightening Agents

Lightening Agents help to gradually fade the pigmentation. It is used in conjunction with other treatments. Skin Peels

We have a series of skin Peels which also gently but gradually reduce pigmentation.

At Nitai Medical & Cosmetic Centre, we have highly specialised medical lasers to treat pigmentation quickly, effectively and safely. IPL should not be used to treat certain types of pigmentation as there is a risk of making the condition worse. Antibiotics Prescription strength antibiotic ointment may be required in some cases. If you require assistance with your skin condition, we can help.

Every patient presenting with a skin condition is reviewed by a doctor and an appropriate treatment and ongoing skin care plan is developed to suit your specific case.

To contact us please complete call (03) 9300 1244 or send us an email via our contact form. Your email will be forwarded to the appropriate staff member to respond.

To receive more specific advice and costs , we highly recommend making an appointment with our experienced doctor. Feedback from our patients suggests this really helps them in making the right decision about the potential treatment.

We Offer NO Obligation Consultations.

To contact us please complete call (03) 9300 1244 or send us an email via our contact form on this page above. Your email will be forwarded to the appropriate staff member to respond.

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