
Sunscreens are the most important product that should be used everyday. Not only is it anti-aging, it will also reduce your risk of skin cancer. Various bases of sunscreen are available for various skin types. These include Non-comodegenic type for acne patients , mositurising base for dry skin and very high protection for those with a history of skin cancer or those that work outdoors.

Excessive UV radiation causes skin damage. UVB radiation causes “sunburn” and is related to causation of skin cancer. UVA radiation is more silent – it does not cause the typical redness caused by UVB radiation. UVA radiation can penetrate window glass. UVA radiation penetrates deeper into the skin contributing to aging effects on the skin, including pigmentation wrinkles and breakdown of elastin.

SPF of Sunscreens
SPF : Sun Protection Factor
It is an international measure of ability of sunscreens to filter UV Radiation.

There are some limitations of using SPF as a guideline. These include:
- variation in thickness of sunscreen applied
- may not protect against UVA Radiation
- variation in effectiveness depending on humidity, water exposure.

Types of Sunscreens
There are two types of sunscreens – Physical sunscreens and Chemical sunscreens.

Chemical Sunscreens (like para-aminobenzoic acid, benzophenones, and cinnamates) absorb UV radiation and convert it to a harmless form of energy. Broad spectrum Chemical sunscreens are effective against UVB and UVA radiation.

Physical Sunscreens
(Titanium dioxide, zinc oxide) lie on top of the skin and create a physical barrier to UV Radiation. Advantages of physical sunscreens are that they are less likely to cause allergic reactions than chemical sunscreens, provide longer duration of action and they reflect UV radiation.

Examples of Physical sunscreens are:
- Cosmedix Pure Protection
- Cosmedix Reflect

Sunscreen Makeup

We cannot rely on sunscreens in makeup. Many factors are needed for effectiveness of sunscreens. It is best to apply sunscreen that is known to be effective under the foundation.

If you require assistance with your skin condition, we can help.

Every patient presenting with a skin condition is reviewed by a doctor and an appropriate treatment and ongoing skin care plan is developed to suit your specific case.

To contact us please complete call (03) 9300 1244 or send us an email via our contact form. Your email will be forwarded to the appropriate staff member to respond.