Regen Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is an aesthetic method of regeneration and rejuvenation to slow down the aging process. Containing important growth factors,specifically the Autologous Cellular Rejuvenation PLATELET-RICH PLASMA or ACR-PRP can be used for many areas for rejuvenation purposes. Dubbed the “Vampire – Facelift” (because it uses the patient’s own blood), PRP uses the concentrated platelet content present in one’s own blood to assist the human body to repair itself by stimulating cells to regenerate new tissue. At Nitai Medical & Cosmetic Centre in Melbourne, the PRP process uses the method of centrifugation to extract platelets from a person’s blood sample. The concentrated platelet content is then extracted and injected back into the area under treatment by the doctor. The platelets release growth factors that assist the body to repair itself by stimulating the cells to regrow new tissue. The procedure is performed on site by an experienced medical team from our Accredited Medical Centre. The procedure is very safe as a patient’s own blood is used onsite so there is minimal risk of disease transmission.
Anti-Aging and Wrinkle Treatments using PRP
Studies conducted in a number of countries as well as in our experience shows that for patients who may have moderate wrinkling due to exposure to sunlight and/or simply due to age can benefit from the PRP treatment. Patient selection is very important – refer to our guidelines below. Results show that when PRP is applied to patients with the right prerequisites, skin texture,tone and
firmness can result within 3 weeks with ongoing improvements over the next few months.Areas commonly treated using the Plate Rich Plasma for rejuvenation including wrinkling are cheeks, around the eyes, jawline, back of hands, neck , Décolletage, knees, elbows, upper arms and post-pregnancy tummy. Noticeably improved results can occur when combined with lasers, appropriate cosmeceuticals and antiwrinkle injections.
The following Video shows Dr Shobhna Singh using the Plate Rich Plasma (PRP) Process to treat wrinkling around the Eyes at Nitai Medical & Cosmetic Centre.
The following Video shows Dr Shobhna Singh using the Plate Rich Plasma (PRP) Process to treat the jawline and cheeks at Nitai Medical & Cosmetic Centre.
Hairloss Treatment
Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP is a natural method using platelet-rich plasma derived from one’s own blood sample. Applications of the PRP method include Facial rejuvenation resulting in skin texture and tone improvement through increased production of main structural proteins of the various connective tissues, hair growth in men and women suffering from premature baldness and/or thinning hair, and persistent aching of joints.
The following video shows Dr Shobhna Singh using the Plate Rich Plasma (PRP) Process to treat hairloss at Nitai Medical & Cosmetic Centre.
Because one’s own plasma is used, normal risks associated with blood such as disease transmission, anaphylaxis are not present.A consultation with our doctor is required to determine whether the
treatment will be effective for an individual as factors such as skin type and blood type have to be considered.
The Regen PRP Process
The PRP process is safe and the application of the plasma is physiologically active. The Plasma is completed on our premises using the Regen approved TGA PRP Harvesting system. A topical anesthetic is applied to the target areas to make the procedure comfortable for the patient. Prior to the treatment a blood sample is extracted from the patient. The blood is centrifuged for 5-9
minutes. When centrigugation is completed, the blood plasma will have separated into 3 distinct layers – poor plasma, red blood cells and the rich platelets. These rich platelets are extracted from the tube and injected by doctor into the skin. The overall process can take between 1-2 hours depending on size of area to be injected.
Side Effects of the Regen PRP Process
As the process involves multiple injections, swelling, bruising and redness is common for 24-48 hours.
Patient Selection
The success of this procedure depends on the health of the patient. Those who suffer from severe skin diseases, cancer, chemotherapy, severe metabolic and systemic disorders, and abnormal platelet
function (i.e. blood disorders) are not suited for this procedure. Anti-coagulation therapy and underlying sepsis HIV, some auto immune disease also excludes the use of PRP. Consultation is required to see if you are suited to a Regen ACR PRP Procedure.
What to Expect from ACR-PRP process
Some visible improvement from 2 weeks with gradual improvement over the next few months is common. Severe wrinkling cannot be reversed and patients with alcohol and tobacco abuse can only expect to see minimal improvement.
Preparation before a PRP Procedure?
If our doctor determines that the treatment is suitable for you, then prior to the procedure (a blood test may be necessary), be well hydrated (at least 48 hours before),reduce fat intake in your
diet, reduce or preferably eliminate your alcohol and caffeine intake and stop all Omegas, green teas and all supplements that increase bruising If you require assistance with your skin condition, we can help. Every patient presenting with a skin condition is reviewed by a doctor and an appropriate treatment and ongoing skin care plan is developed to suit your specific case.
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