Unfortunately for many, dark circles around eyes are genetic or due to the natural ageing process. They can also be related to tiredness or stress, but if you find that they are persistently there, it may be time to invest in cosmetic treatment of a stronger nature. Cucumbers and tea bags are all well and good for their refreshing qualities, but they are unlikely to combat your dark circles around eyes. Melbourne has plenty of cosmetic centres who can advise you about the best treatment. Do contact your doctor if you think that there may be an underlying problem that is causing them, such as smoking, poor diet, or allergies, but otherwise, it is worth contacting a specialist to help you to get rid of them. This is most important if you feel very self-conscious; you do not want to live with depression or body image problems because of something so small. So deal with them quickly, so as to avoid anxiety! You won’t regret it.
Treating them
There are plenty of options out there, and a consultant in a centre such as Nitai Medical & Cosmetic centre, can really help you find the best option for you. You should also be very careful when choosing to follow slightly more invasive procedures, such as dermal fillers, or even surgery. The best place to begin would be with eye creams. These are often very effective, if you buy specialist creams that target the area, and are the least invasive option, for those who are not ready for more dramatic measures and results. Obviously, if your dark circles then persist, speak again to your consultant, who, depending on the extremity of the dark circles, will be able to recommend dermal fillers, or bleropharoplasty (surgery). You should make sure that a specialist goes through the pros, cons and risks of every procedure that you undertake, but choosing to deal with your dark circles around eyes should help you to feel more confident, and happier with your appearance.