What to Expect From Dermal Fillers Lips
If you are looking into dermal fillers lips, there are a few things that you will want to consider. Fuller lips are the envy of most women these days. Many celebrities are plumping their lips, and so can you if you so wish to. As you get older, your lips will actually lose their volume. You have options if you want to regain your youthful appearance. Here, you will learn more about what to expect from the procedure.
It Isn’t Permanent
Perhaps the first thing that you should be aware of is the fact that dermal fillers lips enhancement is not a permanent solution. While some people view this as a negative thing, it doesn’t have to be negative. That just means that you can give it a try, and if you don’t like the look of it you can just discontinue treatment.
It is a Quick Procedure
When you go in for dermal fillers lips procedures, you will be pleased to find out that the procedure is relatively quick. It usually doesn’t take more than two hours from start to finish. That means that you won’t be under anaesthesia for too long.
The Actual Procedure
If you opt for dermal fillers lips enhancement, then you will need to make sure that you have it performed by a medical professional. They will numb your lips to minimise any discomforts that you may feel. That doesn’t mean that you won’t have some bruising or swelling, but the actual procedure shouldn’t be very painful.
If you want to discuss your lip enhancement options, call us at Nitai Medical & Cosmetic Centre. We will be happy to talk to you about all of your options and answer any questions that you may have about the lip enhancement procedures.