Dermal Fillers are very effective in treating many areas suffering from signs of aging. At Nitai Medical & Cosmetic Centre, Our doctor specialises in use of High Quality Dermal Fillers.
Dermal Fillers for Lips
Dermal Filler Injections Melbourne can be used to achieve Lip Enhancement. Whether its the Cupid’s bow, or features such as the lip border, balance in both the top and bottom lip or symmetry on both the left and right sides, lip it can be an effective treatment if done by an experienced cosmetic physician. Even details such as smiley sides with corners that turn, or rich ridges connecting the upper lip to the nose giving that lovely curve to the upper lip can be enhanced using dermal fillers for lips. The following patient was treated for dermal fillers for the lips. Her ‘After’ photos were taken 2 weeks after the treatment.
Dermal Fillers for Tear Troughs
Tired looking eyes ,’eye bags’ or tear troughs often give the appearance of an aging face. Our high quality treatment are a very effective treatment option. The treatment we use can last between 18 months to 2 years in the tear trough area, making this a very cost effective treatment. Treatment using tear trough dermal fillers also gives a smoother transition from the eyes to cheeks.
The following patient was treated with dermal fillers for tear troughs and cheeks to reduce the effect of her baggy eyes. Her ‘After’ photos were taken 2 weeks after the treatment.
Watch a video of a patient being treated with tear trough dermal fillers
To see a series of videos the above patient experience including consultations and treatments, click here
Cheek Enhancement
Saggy or flattened cheeks with insufficient volume are visible signs of aging. We use high quality products to achieve cheek enhancement, giving a more youthful appearance as well as reducing nasolabial lines and jowls. Our cheek it can last between 18 months and 2 years. As volume loss varies with age, so the amount of this fillers required also varies. Generally between 1-3 syringes may be required.
The same patient shown above also received our premium quality dermal filler treatment for volume loss in the cheeks. Her ‘After’ photos were taken 2 weeks after the treatment are shown below.
To see a series of videos the above patient experience including consultations and treatments, click here
Chin Enhancement
Loss of chin and jawline definition is very common with age and can be treated with dermal fillers Melbourne, resulting in chin enhancement. We use temporary fillers only to achieve chin enhancement via a sharper jawline and a more appealing and balanced facial profile and chin protrusion. We only use a very high quality product range to achieve the most optimum result in chin enhancement which in the long term also gives the cost effective result.
Hand Rejuvenation
Constant use of the hands as well as the effects of natural ageing process on skin texture, pigmentation and volume have an impact on the appearance of our hands (particularly the back of our hands). Again, these are very effective in hand rejuvenation thereby restoring a younger appearance to our hands.
Jowls Treatment
Due to the aging process, the cheeks tend to sag, often drooping below the jawline thus distorting it. This is known as jowls. Our doctor injects this around the jowls. This blends the jowls with the area around it, creating a more youthful appearance with improved jawline. Furthermore, it may also be injected into the corners of the mouth to create a lift.
Hook Nose Reshaping Treatment Using Dermal Fillers
We offer non-surgical rhinoplasty (nose reshaping) using high quality dermal fillers Melbourne. This is non-permanent procedure which can be used to smooth out hollows on the nose bridge, straightening nose bent to one side, or injecting the nasal tip if it has drooped due to age. For further information about nose-shaping, click here.
Other areas successfully treated by this are Smoker’s Lines, Frown Lines and Brow lift.
At Nitai Medical & Cosmetic Centre, we offer great packages for this. Some of the packages can be found at the following link. This is not the complete list however. For our clients we offer packages tailored for each individual as well. If you are a regular user of cosmetic services, join our growing customer-base and enjoy regular savings.
Attractive finance packages are also available for our clients.
To receive more specific advice and costs , we highly recommend making an appointment with our experienced doctor. Feedback from our patients suggests this really helps them in making the right decision about the potential treatment.
We Offer NO Obligation Consultations.
Read more about anti-ageing treatments